Teaching Assistant Positions
DigiPen Institute of Technology
MAT 200: Calculus and Analytical Geometry II
January 2019 - April 2019
Graded weekly homework assignments and quizzes that covered calculus topics such as: integration, sequences and series of real numbers, power series, Taylor series, transcendental functions
MAT 250: Linear Algebra
January 2019 - April 2019
Graded weekly homework assignments and quizzes that covered linear algebra topics such as: matrix algebra, linear systems of equations, linear transformations in Euclidean spaces, determinants, Gauss-Jordan algorithm, vector spaces, linear independence and basis, orthogonality, change of basis, general theory of linear transformations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, and least squares approximations
MAT 340: Probability & Statistics
September 2018 - December 2018 | January 2019 - April 2019
Graded weekly homework assignments and quizzes that covered probability and statistics topics such as: sample spaces, random variables, continuous and discrete probability density functions, mean and variance, expectation, conditional probability, distributions (binomial, poisson, chi-squared, and normal), confidence intervals, and the central limit theorem
CS 100: Computer Environment
September 2016 - December 2016
Helped students in a lab environment to understand computer engineering topics that included: circuits, logic gates, ARM assembly projects, KEIL IDE, and JTAG Programmers. At the end of the semester I helped students with their final project of programming an autonomous tank vehicle using ARM assembly, object avoidance and wall detection algorithms, and the KEIL IDE
PHY 190: Motion and Waves
January 2017 - April 2017
Graded assignments and labs that included the topics: the scientific method, uniform and accelerated motion, oscillations (simple harmonic and damped), wave behavior of light, ray model of light, geometric optics, reflect and refraction, mirrors and lenses, diffraction and interference, and colors